Wah! This post makes me want to cry! Thank you so much for your kind words, Michael. And YES, its interesting you’re saying this to me — I just started volunteering my time and energy in places and with people that I truly believe in and enjoy. This just started, so I can’t say that the universe is reorganizing itself for me yet (though, having this article be read by so many people is a nice Sunday surprise?!), but I feel the act of giving myself to something outside of my current “dire” situation makes my body ease up a LOT. I feel calmer, at least. I am SO HAPPY to hear that life is going well for you, and it turned a corner into perhaps territory that you didn’t know before. I think that’s wondrous, and frankly magical — even if I’m cynical I can still appreciate a happy twist. Thank you for your comment and MARK MY WORDS — If can write an article about the abundance of life I will. ;) -Sarah