Today I woke up deeply grateful
Today I woke up deeply grateful.
Grateful for the nuanced, complicated, beautifully formed relationships I have from all paths in my life.
Grateful for the relationships that are no longer to see how much we’ve changed as people.
Grateful for the job I don’t have so I can be with nature more.
Grateful that I will still write regardless of whether I ever get published or a paycheck or not.
Grateful that even when I feel my siren song is absolutely meaningless (yes, it’s true, I’m not curing cancer with my colorful turns of phrase), I will still do it anyway.
Grateful for learning that life ain’t fair, kiddo, but you keep going because what else do you do?
Grateful for depression to show how deep my well goes. (spoiler, it’s forever)
Grateful for extreme loneliness to show I’m capable of being alone, regardless of what may or may not come in my lifetime.
Grateful that my body, my extra large body (how did I ever get so big in mind, body and spirit?) is trying it’s best to carry me through this world.
Grateful for moments of spontaneous joy in a sea of uncertainty.
Grateful for learning that our humanity is so much more than the titles we give ourselves, the positions we take, or how “good” we look in a swimsuit.
Grateful to finally see how absolutely heartbreakingly beautiful we are. And how much I love being human, after all. And how temporary all of this is.