Go Explore, Instead
I wouldn’t say my self-esteem is “the best.” Some of us are born in super-secure childhoods ready to take on the world with loving parents and community support. Others, less so. Often, I take self-esteem out of the equation and replace it with exploration. At the end of the day, I want to learn new things and give my brain a rest from that pesky self-doubt.
Even in the midst of negative self-talk, you can notice a star in the sky, or a dog giving you the stink eye. Did you know that Elon Musk was the richest man in the world and then Jeff Bezos took back the title after like three days? Do you think they have a billionaire boys club? Do you think they are secretly building a summer home on Mars?
Even if you feel like a slug in the mud, it’s about getting up and moving forward because maybe there’s something new to discover. Sometimes, it’s not about that grand gesture of loving yourself, it’s about moving forward in the mud. It’s about taking a break from your fire mind, and going outside of yourself into the great beyond. I hope you take care of yourself today and go do some exploring. ❤